Principal Greetings

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Soni Syarifuddin, S.Pd.

Principal of SMA Nasional Malang.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Globalization era with all its implications is one of the triggers of rapid changes that occur in various aspects of people’s lives. Therefore, if there is no great effort to anticipate it, it will become a serious problem. In this case, education has a great responsibility, especially in preparing strong human resources which  is hopefully to make them to be able to live in harmony in line with the changes themselves. Education is a long-term investment in which its results cannot be seen and felt instantly. Thus, schools as the spearhead in the field must have a long-term development direction with clear stages of achievement and remain accommodate the demands of current factual problems in society.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Prestasi dan penghargaan

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Dokumen Siswa

Ini adalah ruang siswa. Unduh dokumen-dokumen untuk para siswa di sini.

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Dokumen Guru

Ini adalah ruang tenaga pendidik. Unduh dokumen-dokumen untuk tenaga pendidik di sini.

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Tentang Sekolah

Ketahui apa saja tentang SMA Nasional Malang.

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