Alhamdulillah, SMA Nasional Malang claims another achievement. This award stated that SMA Nasional Malang as The 2018 Winner Education Award from the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology. The award was immediately signed by the Minister Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D. with the Majalah Penghargaan Nasional (Jakarta, 7 June 2018). The Principal of SMA Nasional Malang, Drs. Rusdi, M.Si does not forget to thank the staff, the board of teachers, staff, students, and alumni who participate and become an important part of this success. We are nobody without them”
Hopefully this award will be a motivation for SMA Nasional Malang to fix and always improve the quality of education, especially for students to become the golden generation of moral, knowledgeable and devoted Indonesians. Amin Ya Robbal Alamiin.