Get to Know More About PTN Entrance Together with Primagama

XII graders of SMANAS took part in the socialization of the 2019 college entrance selection system on Saturday (12/1) organized by Primagama Sukun. The event which was held in the SMANAS Hall was aimed at increasing class XII students’ knowledge about tertiary entrance.

Mr. Bashori, a representative of Primagama Sukun, said that for the last four years, SMANAS has been cooperating with Primagama, especially Primagama Sukun. “There are 90 students of grade XII who are taking Primagama tutoring this year,” said Mr. Bashori.

In state universities (PTN) there are three entry channels, namely the national selection of state tertiary education (SNMPTN), joint selection of state tertiary education (SBMPTN), and the independent pathway.

“SNMPTN and SBMPTN or the joint selection from report cards and state university entrance test this year are more fun and frightening,” said Mr. Saiful, Primagama’s counselor when opening the material. According to him, the three entrances have regulations called azaz, namely capacity and study programs. The SNMPTN selection or often called the report card selection, has an azaz 20%, while the SBMPTN selection 40%, and the 30% mandiri selection. “Basically, to enter universities, you must be able to distinguish between state universities (PTN), private universities (PTS), and also ST (advance college),” said Mr. Saiful.

In SNMPTN, there are three stages, including scanning, screening, and scoring. Scanning is the first stage of the PDSS process. According to Primagama, the failure to pass the selection was caused by students’ final grades, study program and PTN choices, documents and sequences.

“Guidance from the school and Primagama must be followed by you,” said Mr. Saiful. “In essence, if you obey the direction, then you will succeed,” explained the counselor.

In addition to the SNMPTN selection, there is also the SBMPTN selection, namely through a written test. “This time SBMPTN took a different path, namely the computer-based written test (UTBK),” said Mr. Saiful. This UTBK can be carried out a maximum of 2 times at the expense borne by the participants themselves. According to Mr. Saiful, this 2019 SBMPTN, will start by doing tests and then gets a score. “The highest score obtained from the 2 tests is used to register at the desired PTN,” said Saiful, Primagama Sukun counselor. “Do not let XII grade students of SMA Nasional Malang join the mandiri selection” he said ending the material. (ika // bya)

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