“A person is not considered a good person before offering something that is the dearest for them,” said Drs. Rusdi, M.Si., opening the plenary session of the calculation of Gopek Management (M-Gopek) on Wednesday (10/10). During the activity that was held in the SMANAS field, Mr. Rusdi also expressed his hope that that M-Gopek will be recorded as a Amal Jariyah. The event which started at 08.00 WIB was attended by all students, the teachers, employees, and the internship students (KPL) of Universitas Negeri Malang (UM).
Participants in the plenary session must report the results of collecting M-Gopek during the period, July – September 2018. All are targeted to collect 50 coins of Gopek (Rp 500). After each class reported the results one by one, there will be an appreciation in the form of prayer and applause. Of the eighteen classes, sixteen classes were recorded as meeting the target. Meanwhile, the two classes have not met the target yet.
Not only students, teachers and employees must also report the collection of M-Gopek and the results exceeded the target. “Teachers must be able to be a good example for their students. Based on the results of this calculation, it is clear that the SMANAS teachers are exemplary,” explained Mr. Rusdi.
After the plenary session ended, and was closed by Mr. Rusdi, students were announced with the highest gopek accumulation. The first student with the highest number of gopek is Merisa Rosi (XII Language) with the acquisition of 269 coins. The second place was 211 coins obtained by a student named Fangga Fadilah (XII Social 1). Meanwhile, the third student won 191 coins by a student named Trio Nur Prawito (X Science 1). The three students were given an award certificate. “Hopefully these three students can be a motivation for other students for giving charity,” said Mrs. Ekalistyaningsih, vice-principal of the student field. (bya)