Admission of New SMANAS Students (PPDB) 2019/2020

Admission of New SMANAS Students (PPDB) 2019/2020

SMA Nasional Malang is back to preparing a new plan. Given the large number of new student registrants in 2018/2019, this time SMANAS opened new student registrations in an earlier time. SMANAS opens 2 stages of PPDB. Phase I starts on October 15 until December 31, 2019 for the Scholarship class continued Phase II which starts on January 1, 2019 until May 12 2019. In addition, SMANAS will open up more new student quota so that public interest is fulfilled.

Additional SMANAS facilities have also been and are being conducted this year. Starting from the addition of student desks and chairs, increased bandwidth for internet access, to the addition of finger machines and other facilities. In the future SMANAS will also collaborate with foreign parties to improve the quality of schools. Not only that, SMANAS has planned to take part in international level events. Therefore, for the parents/guardians of students register your sons and daughters in SMA Nasional Malang immediately. Prospective students can visit SMA Nasional malang directly at Jalan S. Supriadi No.50 Malang to fill out the registration form and complete the required administrative documents. . Prospective new students outside the city of Malang or outside the province can fill out the following form online at this following address:

After filling out the form online, immediately confirm to the mobile number 085-546-025-962 to immediately get a confirmation from us.

Thank you (ss)

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