At 7 am SMANAS students had gathered in the field. They line up neatly in a U shape facing the flag. Some students lined up at the edge of the class row wearing traditional clothes. Mr. and Mrs. teacher also dressed in traditional clothes accompanying each class. Tuesday (10/9) that morning, they were ready to attend the Gopek Management (M-Gopek) session.
Drs. Rusdi, M.Si., Managing Director of M-Gopek chaired the session accompanied by M-Gopek staff. At the beginning of his remarks, he explained the story of a best friend after the Bad War. Friends feel that the Battle of Badr is a big war and has killed many victims. “However, The prophet explained that there would be a greater war, namely the war against lust,” said Mr. Rusdi. The head of SMA Nasional Malang said, the day’s program could be carried out because the families of SMANAS had been able to fight the passions so they want to do charity.
Next, the Assembly Leader instructed each class representative to report the results of the M-Gopek calculation. The class representative reads the nominal amount of M-Gopek. Then, the decision is made whether the class meets the target or does not meet the target. Not only representatives of the whole class, teacher representatives also reported the results of the M-Gopek calculation. Happy expressions and laughter were scattered when it was decided that all met the target.
After the report, Mr. Rusdi tapped the hammer as a sign that the trial was closed. After that, Eka Listyaningsih, M.Pd. read out the best students and teachers of M-Gopek collectors. The third best student is M. Thorikul Huda (XI IPA 1) with 88 coins. The second best student is Luluk Saputri (XII IPA 2) with 93 coins. The first best student is Trio Nur Prawito (XI IPA 2) with 120 coins. Meanwhile, the best M-Gopek collecting teacher is Akhmad Mustafa, S.S, S.Pd. with a total coin of 200. The most gopek collecting students and teachers were called forward and were given awards.
The M-Gopek trial ended, followed by the release of the KPL wave I students and welcoming the KPL wave II. Mr. Rusdi read the names of KPL students, then they lined up in front of the students. 9 KPL of Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) students who came and were accepted at SMANAS. Meanwhile, there were 13 KPL students from UM and 3 students from Universitas Islam Negeri Malang released.
Mr. Faisal, the head of UM KPL students, expressed his gratitude for being given the opportunity to gain experience at SMANAS. Representing his friends, this English student also apologized for the mistakes made while at SMANAS. “When I entered the classroom, I used to open with rhymes. So, let me close this episode with rhymes, “said Pak Faisal. He called the episode because for him, this was one episode that had not yet finished, but was still to be continued. “Jalan-jalan ke Kota Medan. Ke Medan naik delman. Terima kasih atas partisipasi kalian. Semoga sukses di masa depan. (Traveling to Medan. To Medan riding a delman. Thank you for your participation. Good luck in the future, “said Mr. Faisal closing his remarks.
Positive responses were given by the UM KPL supervisor. In his remarks when delivering and picking up his students, Luhung Achmad Perguna, S. Sos., MA was impressed with SMANAS. He opened with the words of Syeh Muhammad Abduh, “I see Islam here, but I don’t see Muslims. On the contrary, I see many Muslims, but do not see Islam in themselves. ” Pak Luhung admitted, at SMANAS he saw Islamic values grow well. “In the classes there is a closing prayer for the assembly,” he said.
The lecturer who had previously been a tour guide in Solo also interpreted the clothes worn by the teacher council. He claimed to understand well the meaning of batik. “Striated has a straight and sincere meaning,” explained the Sociology lecturer. “But there are also those who use the Parangkusumo motif. Parang means hill, kusumo means fragrant. So, if you want to achieve Kusumo, you have to go through a struggle, “he explained. Mr. Luhung hopes that SMANAS can become a field as a hill to reach Kusumo.
Mr. Rusdi confirmed to all high school students that they had welcomed successful people on that day. Although they sat together and mingled with students, Mr. Rusdi advised them to continue to respect the guest. “Respect them as teachers, but the social relations are brothers and sisters, fathers and children,” said Pak Rusdi.
After the remarks, certificates were handed over by the Head of SMANAS to KPL students. On the contrary, KPL students give souvenirs to SMANAS. Accompanied by the song ‘Thank You’, tears came from several KPL teachers and students. Then, KPL students performed song offerings. After that, the students sat down to enjoy a meal prepared by the committee. At the end of the event, also presented Ki Dalang Dimas and Farhaan (XII IPS 1) to entertain the audience. Laughter arose from students, teachers, and KPL students. The event closed with a photo session.
Today’s program received mixed responses from students. Intan Dwi claimed to be motivated by the highest gopek collector students. “I really want to be like that,” said IPS X student 2. This was supported by Agnia Saqilla Putri. Agnia said she was happy because the program was different from the previous M-Gopek trials. “There is something different from the arrangement of the show, the costumes of the teachers, also the report readers, more lively,” said the XI IPA 2 student. He hoped, the next M-Gopek trial could be more lively. “Not only the program, but students are also more diligent to give charity M-Gopek,” he said. (bya)