Ruang Guru Team visits SMA Nasional Malang on Monday (10/22). The team consisted of five people coordinated by Mbak Mira. Ruang Guru is an independent learning application using a gadget. Mbak Mira explained, her visit was a program from the central Ruang Guru for socialization and collaboration with all levels of schools in Indonesia. “We deliberately chose SMA Nasional Malang because of achivement consideration, number of students, and UN scores,” said the Chemistry graduate of Institut Teknologi 10 November Surabaya. This good intention was welcomed by Pak Rusdi. “I am a person who always feels lacking especially about knowledge. So, for me it is not enough for children to learn from only one source, “said Pak Rusdi.
After a simple welcome, four members of Mbak Mira made a presentation to the XII class. In the classroom, they deliver an analysis of the learning conditions of today’s students. Also an analysis of SBMPTN opportunities. In addition, they also explained the menus provided by Ruang Guru along with the advantages and how to use them. After describing the analyzes, the students were invited to do a challenge by doing the exercises in Ruang Guru together. Students, who get the highest score, are given prizes. (bya)