The Top Five Finalists in the National Writing Competition 2018 Brawijaya Machine Creativity Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya
Thursday (11/15/2018) coincide at the Mechanical Engineering Building II, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, a National Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) was held. This event was organized by BEM FT Mesin Brawijaya. Carrying the theme Renewable Energy Innovation, the LKTI team consisting of Zallianty, Ratna, and Nailil presented their work with the title “Energy Saving Terrarium with Aluminum Anodized Waste Treatment System”. At the event, they had to face superior teams from other high schools, including MAN 2 Malang, SMAN 2 Semarang, SMAN 5 and SMAN 6 Denpasar. The LKTI event is one of the events of the 2018 KMB event. On the previous day, a Drone Helicopter competition was held which was participated by the National Student Copter team.
Friday (11/16/2018) the last series of event was held, the National Seminar on New Renewable Energy (EBT) which was held in the Guest Room of Universitas Brawijaya. In the event, the new renewable energy experts explained various information about the potential of Indonesia’s EBT to the latest discoveries related to EBT. At the end of the event, the winners of the Copter and LKTIN Competition were announced. Even though they did not win the LKTIN championship, KIR Team of SMA Nasional Malang gained new experiences and valuable lessons for upcoming competitions. Hopefully the KIR Malang National High School team will get success in the next competition. (ss)