Spur Student Interest and Creativity through Extracurricular Demonstrations

The Introduction Period for School Environment (MPLS) 2019/2020 SMANAS Malang  second day was colored with a variety of performances. The event was held in the SMANAS hall on Tuesday (7/16) morning. After doing their attendance check and Morning Prayer, the new students do green school. They put flowers that have been brought from the house to the garden. The flowers will be cared for and used to decorate all corners of SMANAS.

After the greening, MPLS participants gathered again in the hall. They sat and lined up neatly watching various SMANAS extracurricular (ekskul) demonstrations.

The first extracurricular demonstration was conducted by Paskibra SMANAS. Using a variety of costumes accompanied by emblems, Paskibra members entered the hall in neat lined up. In addition to explaining the meaning and purpose of the uniform, Paskibra members also display variation formations.

The second demonstration is the band extracurricular appearance. They appeared to perform three songs. In addition, Mr. Budi, the supervisor, also explained the technical training in the band’s extracurricular activities. “Children who love music, let’s join the extracurricular band every Saturday,” he said.

The third extracurricular activity was a dance extracurricular activity. With nimble movements and pink and black fusion costumes, the dance members made the MPLS participants cheer. “Come on, who are interested in joining the dance, please register,” said Indri, one of the dance members from XII Bahasa. In addition to dance performances, there are also Garuda Dance performances by Kustiani Widi (XII IPA) and Feronika (XII IPS).

The fourth extracurricular demonstration was conducted by the English Conversation Club (ECC). ECC opened the demonstrations with the appearance of storytelling by Kharisma (XII Bahasa), which had won the competition in Malang. Kharisma’s enthusiasm about Roro Jonggrang’s story made MPLS participants gawk. The “Be Brave, Be Yourself” jargon stirred up the hall. After that, Diniyah, the head of the ECC who was accompanied by Miss Hafida explained various achievements and routine activities carried out by the ECC. In addition, ECC members also distributed ECC registration forms and stickers.

The next extracurricular demonstration is the Student Perspective Organization (OPS) Perspective. The editorial board of OPS Perspective explained the advantages and privileges of being a journalist. “In Journalism we will learn a lot of things, not only writing, but also drawing, photography, caricatures, design, and so on,” explained Avenica, a member of the Perspective OPS.

Furthermore, the theater was led by Akhmad Mustafa, SS, S.Pd. presents a simple, meaningful performance. Mr. Mus, along with three students, performed a sudden mini drama about different student characters. In the performance, puppeteer Dimas Al Hafid (XII IPS 1) also presented a paper puppet show that was made suddenly. “As students, we must always be ready and devout,” he said giving a message to the audience.

After the theater performance, there was a presentation from Mrs. Santi, the coach of the Culinary Art extracurricular. He explained the activities that would be carried out in the culinary art extracurricular. Previously, Mrs. Agustin who accompanied Mrs. Santi explained that the culinary art extracurricular activity existed to realize the SMANAS program which carries out double tracks, namely to equip students with life skills.

The eighth extracurricular demonstration is German Extracurricular. Some members present examples of daily conversation in German. Then, they showed a video about the activities carried out at the German extracurricular and member replication when participating in the competition. In addition, they also display examples of the pronunciation of the alphabet in German.

The next extracurricular demonstration was carried out by silat extracurricular members. Feri Setiawan (XII IPA 1) asked MPLS participants and some had taken part in silat. He also asked the participants to display examples of silat matches. After that, Andri Purwanto (XII IPS 3) also performed a beautiful silat performance.

The last extracurricular demo was delivered by hockey extracurricular. “Hockey is the second most expensive sport in the world,” said the Coach. He explained the various tools needed in hockey and their prices. According to the Coach, a career in hockey has many benefits and achievements that easily achieved. Among the benefits of hockey are getting lots of friends from other schools and even colleges, also can get into college easily through the achievement path. Tournaments that are participated in are often provincial and national level. “For those of you who want to boast of parents through non-academic channels, let’s become a hockey athlete,” he explained.

Nurul Fitria, a member of Paskibra said she was happy with the extracurricular demonstration. “With this, new students will not choose the wrong extracurricular because there is a description from the start,” said the XI Science student. Nurul’s opinion was corroborated by Putri Maharani, one of the MPLS SMANAS participants. Putri claimed to be happy and amazed to see extracurricular performances. “I want to join the band extracurricular,” said the X IPA student. (bya)

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