Student Profile
- Name : Rizky Dwi Fardiandi
- Born : Dumai, April 18, 2003
- Address : Sitirejo, Lemah Duwur RT 04 RW 01
- Hobbies : Exercising, Poetry, Drawing, and Playing Games
- Goals : Army Marines
- Father’s Name : Nunang Priambudi
- Mother’s Name : Nurliza
- Educational background :
- TK Dharma Wanita Weak Duwur
- SDN 01 Wagir
- SMP Negeri 01 Wagir
- SMA Nasional Malang
Again, SMANAS succeeded in sending its delegation to represent the school as the Heirloom Troops of Malang City on Saturday, August 17, 2019. Rizky, who is a member of the Paskibra SMANAS, was able to go through three stages of selection to join Paskot of Malang. Phase I (2/3) selection consists of physical and health tests, phase II (9/3) consists of interview tests related to general science and UN tests, and stage III (16/3) consists of parade, namely at istirahat di tempat for at least 4 hours and run around the Gajayana Stadium. “At first I felt pessimistic because I had a less than ideal posture. In addition, I sometimes still often tired and sickly after physical exercise. Another obstacle is that my PBB movement is also not too perfect,” said this 15-year-old student.
Rizky’s journey to the Malang City Paskibraka 2019 selection was not as smooth as he expected. Some physical exercises such as push ups, sit-ups, back-ups, and others must go through with enthusiasm. Even for the sake of joining “Paskot Malang”, he often does physical exercises such as running and brisk walking after school to home. Not only that, after the announcement of the Paskot selection, Rizky had to continue the struggle through the stages of orientation, initial training, middle training, and final training so that later he was truly prepared both physically and mentally. “All these things cannot be separated from the support of Mr. Rusdi, teachers, and especially Bang Gilang as my Paskibra coach,” said Rizky. He hopes to become a member of PasNas someday and be able to make his parents proud of him.
As the supervisor of Paskibra SMANAS, Bang Gilang gave full support to Rizky. “Don’t stop fighting until you are unable to stand up again and stay low until you cannot be humiliated,” Bang Gilang said.
As the time goes by, with various obstacles that drain the sweat of the struggle, the time has come for Rizky to fulfil the sacred duty to fly the red and white flag of the pride of the Indonesian precisely at the Gajayana Stadium in Malang. Rizky, who was part of the Army 45, stamped his footsteps with enthusiasm and excitement. The raising ceremony and flag removal went smoothly.
“I feel happy and also nervous, mixed up into one when on duty,” said this basketball fan. He also felt very impressed because during the six months being forged, he could better understand the meaning of being together in a disciplined and independent life, how to be ethical to the community, and most importantly being able to make his parents proud of him. “I really hope that the next generation will be born in the coming year and hopefully they can also get through the National Paskibraka,” Rizky said expectantly. (hm // bya)