SMANAS ft “Kak Anas” Creates The Intelligent and Integrity Young Generation

In celebrating Pesantren Ramadhan, SMANAS held a motivation event led by Anas, S.Pd CH, C.Ht, CT, CM, a Hypnotherapist National Motivator, Self-Potential Consultant, and Spiritual Trainer. This event aimed  to establish Islam young generation  who have high intelligent and integrity. The event which was held on Saturday (18/05) at SMANAS hall lasted for 2 hours a half minutes, starting from 09.30 to 12 am. It was led by Ocha (X Science) and Farhaan (XI Social) and opened by praying; then, it was continued by motivation of Kak Anas.

First, he introduced himself by telling his education background. When he was in Junior High School, he was the students of Nurudh Doholam Islamic Boarding School, Beji. After that, he chose to continue his Senior High School to Nurul Madinah, Bangil. He continued his study in Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (UNIKAMA).

There were many precious things delivered by him in terms of self-understanding and discussion about the meaning of fasting. First, he explained about human-self. According to him, human has two natures: consciousness and beneath consciousness. “A human has two two natures: consciousness nature involving our five senses, and beneath consciousness nature consisting of ambition, bravery, serious, and totality,” said him. In addition, he explained that the achievement is able to be gained through dreams and hopes which are realized. “Life must be struggled for, not requiring to be strived,” added him.

“Be a great children to pick up your very bombastic dreams” is the motto of Kak Anas. According to him, intelligency is not only IQ , but also emotional and spiritual intellegency completed by IQ. He explained that the way to be done emotionally is able to control our emotion and not easily to be angry. Meanwhile, spiritual intellegency is the part of being intelligent in praying especially to do His compulsory things.

During the motivation, he always used some motivated  words to build SMANAS students’ spirit to be successful. “Failure is a choice and successful is a struggle,” said Kak Anas.

The next topic given was the characteristics of saleh and salehah children. According to him, there were five characteristics of saleh children: always smiling, obeying parents and teachers, holding on the anger, and being diligent to pray. First, full of smiling meant always spreading the smiles to everyone and  it was the easiest thing to do. Second, obeying parents was the compulsory thing to do since  parents have taken care of us as their children. Third, obeying the teachers meant we should follow teachers’ words since they are the second parents of us at school. Fourth, Islam people should hold the anger. The last was praying which became the way to make us closer to Allah, the owner of Heaven.

Kak Anas also told about story of Bilal bin Rabbah, the announcer of azan, and told about the meaning of fasting. He told about the misery of Bilal who became the servant and announced azan for the first time. In addition, he explained the meaning of fasting which is not only about holding hungry and thirsty, but also holding our soul and doing some kindness. “Fasting is not only holding not to eat and drink, but also holding our soul and doing some kindness such as giving infaq, praying tarawih and five times, tadarus, and diligent to pray,” added Kak Anas. This event was ended by Hypnotherapist from Kak Anas accompanied by the students’ crying. Then, they asking for apologize each other.

This motivation event was joined by all SMANAS students enthusiastically. After given the motivation from Kak Anas, they realized that they always did some mistakes. “This event has possibility to change students’ character to be better, including me,” said Avenica. Not only this X Science 1 student, Yolanda, the student of X Science 2 argued the similar thing. “I can do self-introspection and feel relieved because I can  ask for apology to all friends and teachers,” added her.

It was in line to Aven and Yolanda, Rama Ayub gave his opinion. “In my opinion, the event is great because it makes all SMANAS students realize that we still can’t be labeled as saleh and salehah children,” said him gladly. “The motivator is so subhanallah, it is so touching,” added him. This student of XI Social 3 expected that all SMANAS students were able to change all their bad attitudes to be better and became saleh and salehah children. (fbi/mtw//bya)

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