kuawali setiap langkahku
dengan nama-Mu
ampunilah kami
yang selalu merasa punya nama
yang tak kunjung tahu
bahwa segala sesuatu
akan hanya tinggal Satu.
adapun di antara beribu mimpiku
cuma satu yang sejati
ialah di napas-Mu
aku menyertai
jika haq bagi-Mu
perkenankan aku
tinggal di dalam diri-Mu
agar sesudah lahirku
yang ini
dan yang nanti
takkan mati
Poem “1” by Emha Ainun Najib has succeeded to give SMANAS victory in poetry music se-Malang Raya. It was showed by Dini Febriana (X Science 2), M. Torikul Huda (X Science 1), Yuan Fernando (X Social 1), and Dwi Farhaan (XI Social 1). The competition was held by Himpunan Mahasiswa Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (HIMABSI) of Wisnuwardhana University (Unidha) on Thursday (25/4). There was not only poetry music, but the committee also held create and declare poem competition.
“Keep Fighting, all brothers and sisters, never stop!” said M. Zainy, one of the judges. According to him, there are lots of media nowadays. He gave a message to all participants to be smarter. “It includes on writing, reading, and appreciating poems,” stated this lecturer of State University of Malang. That message was also supported by Esa Kharisma. The judge who is also the lecturer of Unidha delivered to all participants that poetic language concretizes the abstract ones. Words must be congested and have deep meaning.
Dini Febriana admitted that she was very glad joining this competition since it was her first experience. Instead of getting experiences, Dini also felt happy since she got great materials and evaluation from all judges. “I wish I can do better on next competition,” added her. (bya)