KIR Team of SMA Nasional Malang Won 2nd Place of National UNESA SEASON 8 BIOCOMPACT Waste Recycling Competition

On 4 and 5 November 2017, SMA Nasional Malang won another achievement. This time in the national level, SMA Nasional Malang KIR team won second place in the Waste Recycling Competition (LDUL) in the series of BIOCOMPACT Season 8 events at Universitas Negeri Surabaya . What an extraordinary achievement, because this is the first time KIR team to join this event and win the championship. In the 2-day event, the team led by Putri Amimasari Hariyanto with members, Ayu Febrinanti and Anjar Nur R, raised the theme of tofu liquid waste as a power bank. The tool they created succeeded in lighting a digital watch despite using tofu liquid waste which is considered as abundant waste in the Sukun area, Malang. On the first day, the three of them had to display their products and posters for 5 hours in front of the large number of visitors and judges posing as visitors. On the first day, they successfully entered the final and their poster became the 10 best among the many other teams. On Sunday, which is the second day they present their work reviewed in scientific terms. Alhamdulillah, right after Ashar, they were announced as the second winner of LDUL Biocompact Season 8 and reserve the right to receive a trophy and cash amounting to Rp.3,000,000 ,. Not only that, they are entitled to receive coaching money from Primagama in the amount of Rp. 2,000,000. What an extraordinary achievement. <SS>

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