Head of Division of East Java High School Education Development Picks Up the Ball to Malang

The head of Malang and Batu private high schools who are members of the Principal Work Meeting (MKKS) together with the staff or vice principal of the curriculum field gather in the hall of SMA Nasional Malang (SMANAS). They gather to attend the guidance and signing of documents 1. Guidance and signing of document 1 was carried out by the Head of Division (Kabid) Education in East Java High School Education Development (PPSMA East Java), Dr. Ety Prawesti, M.Sc. The event which was held on Monday (8/26) began with a presentation on the results of the training which was participated by MKKS Malang Private High Schools and MKKS Batu Private High Schools.

When arrived at SMANAS at 12:30 WIB, Mrs. Ety and her staff were warmly welcomed by the students. High school students and teachers lined up in front of the class and served and kissed Mrs. Ety’s hand and staff. In his remarks, Mrs. Ety was accompanied by Mr. Alvian, Head of Curriculum Section of the East Java Diknas High School, giving an evaluation of schools from various sides. Mrs. Ety also requested that schools be able to convey the constraints experienced in the field, especially the constrain which made the number of students small. “If the school needs help, please submit it,” said Mrs. Ety.

In the event that was attended by 48 high schools, Mrs. Ety also appealed to teachers, especially IT teachers not to teach digital only, but must be accompanied by how to respond to technological developments. “This is very important because nowadays children are different from children in the past,” she said. Because, according to him, today’s children naughtiness are nowhere to be seen. To Mrs. Ety, it was caused by the evil influence of technology. “I ask the IT teacher to convey how to respond to technological developments,” she added. Mrs. Ety also said that they were open to communication of any obstacles. “Mangga, if there are problems or suggestions, please convey,” she said.

The visit made by the Head of Devision of East Java PPSMA received a positive response from the school principal. According to Yvonne G. Dompas, MA.Ed. said that usually the principal who accompany him to Surabaya. However, if Kabid made a visit, it would be easier for Mrs. Yvonne. “Because if you go to Surabaya, it also takes time and only the principal who have to go there” said Principal of Advent Dwi Abdi Senior High School.

Ms. Yvonne’s opinion was supported by the head of Salahuddin High School. “Kabid picked up the ball. In the midst of her busy time she wanted to take the time, yes i am happy,” said Mr. Akhmad Fauzi. He also stated that the meeting provided an opportunity to be able to meet with other schools.

The same thing was also conveyed by Drs. Rusdi, M.Sc. Mr  Rusdi said he was happy to be visited by Ms. Kabid. “This will provide motivation to carry out administration and learning activities better” explained the Head of the National Senior High School. “Documents 1 of the school can also be completed on time,” he added. The school principal who was born in Sumenep stated, Mrs. Kabid’s response to the school and her concern to offer solutions was very meaningful for schools, especially small schools. Pak Rusdi hopes this is not the last, but it can be sustainable.

“As Chairman of the MKKS, I thank Mrs. Kabid a lot for wanting to go down to pick up the ball,” said Pak Rusdi. According to him, besides the time effectiveness, the activity made them gather together, had a friendly meeting so that they were closer to their leader. The unfortunate thing is that the duration of time available is limited. “We have not been able to discuss with her about our complaints,” said Pak Rusdi.

At the end of the event, Mr. Slamet Riadi expressed his gratitude to all the schools that were present for completing the documents on time. “Thank you MKKS Malang and Batu was solid,” said the Head of the Malang City High School Branch. (bya)

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