This website exists as the bridge of the creative hands and constructive-innovative thinking of education stakeholders in SMA Nasional Malang. Hopefully, it is able to make SMA Nasional Malang as a media to educate the nation’s life through moral value, transfering knowledge, sharing experiences, and building up the character of unyielding spirit which have become a culture in SMA Nasional Malang. The springboard of this effort is our sincere intention to contribute positively and always to be the cause of the success for others.
SMA Nasional originated from SMU Nasional. This school was founded in 1983 by Public Education and Technology National Foundation or Yayasan Pendidikan Umum danTeknologi Nasional. At that time, SMU Nasional was located in campus area of National Institute of Technology (ITN), Bendungan Sigura-gura Barat street, Sumbersari, Lowokwaru, Malang. SMA Nasional currently is under the wing of the same foundation with SMP Nasional, SMK Nasional, and ITN. The first headmaster of SMA Nasional was Mr. R. Gono. At that time, the public had a rather good view and was quite interested towards the school. The students of the school came from Betek, Gasek, Sumbersari, Dinoyo, and Ketawanggede area.
At the time of Mr. Gonos leadership until 1992, SMA Nasional developed rather stable, and the school consisted of nine classes. Then, the torch of leadership was passed to Mrs. Asdiati. Unfortunately, since 1993, the condition of SMA Nasional declined, and at that time, it consisted of six classes only.
In 1995, ITN had the intention to further develop its post-graduate program, particularly the building. This decision was quite impactful towards SMA Nasional; then, it was moved to Sudanco Supriadi street, Bandung Rejosari, Sukun, Malang.
Under Mrs. Asdiatis leadership, SMA Nasional experienced a decline, especially the number of classes was decreased every year. The worst was when it only had three new students in a new academic year due to two students decided to drop out and another one moved to other school. Therefore, SMA Nasional only had two grades; grade XI and grade XII. This condition lasted for three long years. The illness of the current headmaster only worsened the current problem, while the school itself was under the direction of Mrs. Sri Mulyani as the vice-headmaster.
In 2004, Mrs. Asdiati passed away and the leadership passed to Mr. Ahmad Ridwan as the next headmaster of SMA Nasional Malang. In the coming years with Mr. Ridwan, the public response to SMA Nasional improved because of the students achievements in sports field. In that year, SMA Nasional had a volleyball team that could not only survive but also compete in Malang. In 2006/2007 academic year, the number of class increased to six classes. However, in 2007/2008, SMA Nasional had another decline. This condition was a result of the lack of achievement and the city government decided to increase the quota for public schools.
In 2008, Mr. Ridwan officially ended his period as the headmaster, but in the same year, he was reassigned to lead SMA Nasional for another four years. It was during Mr. Ridwan’s second period when the school had a considerable decline. The public trust towards the school greatly faded, and they even assume SMA Nasional is the school for the outcasts.
In 2009, Mr. Ridwan conducted the free school policy. Unfortunately, this strategy led to be contraproductive. The public opinion greatly worsened, and the image of school for the outcasts only got stronger. To make it worse, the quality of SMA Nasional was considered to be sub-standard, both on its quality and quantity. The climax came in 2012, on which SMA Nasional had fourteen students only. It was also that time when Mr. Ridwan ended his second period, and the foundation appointed Drs. Rusdi, M.Si. to replace Mr. Ridwan.
Before officially taking the rein and by looking at the condition of the school, Mr. Rusdi requested the permission from the chairperson of the foundation to travel around and do comparation study in other schools. In early May 2012, Mr. Rusdi visited SMAK Santo Yusup Malang. This choice was made under the consideration that SMAK Santo Yusup has quite considerable number of students and achievements. There, Mr. Rusdi learned several things, namely that the school policy socialization must reach the grassroots, and that everyone at school needs to hold the religion close.
After visiting SMAK Santo Yusup, Mr. Rusdi visited SMK Muhammadiyah 7 Kepanjen, due to the fact that it experienced a drastic rise. A school with many students indicates a good public trust. Among the things Mr. Rusdi learned from his one-week visit is that excellent service and performance are crucial. Furthermore, he also learned that leader, teachers, and staffs must be competent and professional. Other that visiting those two schools, Mr. Rusdi also visited SMA Al Azhar Jakarta where he received priceless things; a great faith and honesty.
After returning to Malang, Mr. Rusdi conveyed his extreme plans to the foundation: first, he wanted to raise the tuition fee from 65 thousand to 200 thousand rupiah; second, he also intended to raise the capital fee from 500 thousand to 2 million rupiah; third, he wanted to accept the students who are in the first to tenth rank only, and his fourth plan is to uphold discipline and improve the quality of the human resource. Despite some hindrances, resistances, and problems, Mr. Rusdi still set his plans in motion. He visited some junior high schools until his twenty fourth day as the headmaster, and for the first time, he saw a teacher smiled at him, for at that time, the school managed to get quite a lot of students.
In the first year of Mr. Rusdis leadership, SMA Nasional accepted 57 students, and in the second year, the school got 90 students. In addition, the school got accredited A, which is an improvement to the previous B accreditation. Later, things got even better when SMA Nasional won the national scientific paper/scientific writing competition. The number of students keep increasing every year, and SMA Nasional currently has 440 students.
Based on the circular of a legal Foundation on May 3, 1986 Number: 202 / YPUTN / E.6 / 862 / 1986 concerning in symbols.
The Significance and Meaning of Symbols of SMA Nasional Malang:
- Shield of a regular pentagon, states that Yayasan Pendidikan Umum dan Teknologi Nasional Malang is based on Pancasila and based on UUD 1945 and symbolizes the foundations determination to carry out its ideas.
- Symbolizing activities in fostering and shaping Indonesians completely, and developing and also disseminating knowledge both theory and practice to advance the whole nation.
- Torch as a symbol of extension for young people in their struggles to educate the nation.
- Ganesha as a symbol of science, intelligence, and wisdom
- Flashes or flames, red stones arrangements, and gears symbolize Science and Technology
The Meaning of Colors:
- Red: Courage / bravery (fire)
- White: Truth and purity
- Yellow: a will to live and a perfect fighting spirit
- Blue: Faithful
- Black: soil / awareness
Since the launch of the concept of School-Based Quality Improvement Management in the school management system, the School Committee as a school partner organization has a very strategic role in the effort to participate in developing education in schools. Its presence is not just a school stamp, especially in an effort to collect fees from students parents. However, the School Committee must be able to become an organization that can truly accommodate and deliver the aspirations and initiatives of the society in creating operational policies and educational programs in schools. Moreover, it is expected that the School Committee will be able to create a transparent, accountable and democratic athmospheres and conditions within the implementation and high quality of education services in schools.